Closed Getting nowhere

Todd Cobbler

The Grey Man | Tinkerer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Girls were terrifying. Despite his efforts to attract them with a new cologne and haircut, he couldn't figure out how to approach them, let alone get one to like him. Even the one girl he'd ever kissed seemed to elude him since that day, making him feel like he'd messed up. No one had commented on Todd's new haircut either. The cologne, well apparently he was wearing too much of it, but he thought that was a good thing. Someone can't smell too good! Can they?

Shaking off his apprehension, Todd wandered down to the the lake and found a quiet spot to read his book about dragons. While he may not have been the epitome of coolness, dragons most definitely were. Lost in his reading, he didn't notice that he was not alone.

@Penelope Marshall
Penelope had been feeling more and more anxious as the Quidditch game approached, but there was nothing she could do about it. It was going to be her first game as the actual seeker on the Hufflepuff team, and Penelope couldn't help feeling the pressure. In addition, she was now in charge of Heta Omega. It was fun, but stressful as well. She wanted to have a very fun first meeting but so far she hadn't had any great ideas. In the end, Penelope had decided to walk around the lake in an attempt to clear her mind. She was lost in thought and didn't notice the boy reading, not until she kicked a small stone and saw it land near someone. Thankfully, she hadn't hit him. "Oh, sorry." She said quickly, eyes widening as she realized what she had nearly done. "I didn't see you there."
Todd had been so engrossed in his book that he hadn't even noticed the stone flying dangerously close to his head. He looked up in surprise when someone apologised to him. It was a girl he had classes with, Penelope, he remembered was her name. "Oh, no worries, Penelope," Todd replied warmly, offering her a friendly smile.

He didn't really know what to say to her having not seen him. Telling her it 'happens all the time' or 'I'm used to it' just sounded so pathetic. Instead he decided a different tact, "Well, it's a nice tucked away spot here. You're welcome to join me if you'd like?" he suggested, trying to hide his nerves behind a casual demeanour. He braced himself for the rejection, a feeling he was all too familiar with when it came to girls.
Penelope hadn't recognized the boy at first glance, but as he looked at her and spoke, she realized he was one of her classmates. One of Emmanuel's dorm mates, she immediately thought, then tried to push the thought away. She had to stop thinking of him so much. "Hi Todd." She said, giving him a slightly forced smile in return. He offered to let her join him and Penelope hesitated for a moment. She didn't really know Todd that well, but he seemed nice enough. A distraction would be nice, she decided. "I'd like that, if you're sure." She said with a small smile. "You can keep reading if you like." She suggested .
"Oh, yeah, sure!" Todd replied, his surprise evident in his tone. He hadn't expected Penelope to accept his offer so readily. Todd made space as she settled beside him, and tried to hide his excitement, focusing instead on his book. "Thanks," he said, flashing her a grateful smile. "Actually, I don't mind chatting if you want?" he said, "How is, er, stuff going for you?" He couldn't think of anything better to say.
OOC: so sorry for disappearing!

Penelope could tell Todd hadn't expected her to join, but he thankfully seemed glad about it anyway. At least, she hoped she was reading that right. Penelope sat down beside him and smiled at him, glancing at his books. He said he wouldn't mind chatting instead, which was nicer than just sitting next to someone reading. "Sure." She said with a smile. She laughed slightly. "Well, that depends on what you mean with stuff?" She asked him jokingly. "But school things are going alright, it's a bit busier than expected." She said. "Were you studying or reading for fun?"
Todd listened to Penny while she talked about being busy. He was curious about the other stuff, but before he could ask, she was asking about his book. Glancing at the page, he marked his spot by folding the corner of the page. "Oh, this is for fun, I guess," he replied, placing the book down at his side. "I'm trying to balance school stuff with some fun reads too. I'm not taking as many classes this term, so I've got more time for it." He then attempted to smoothly steer the conversation back. "So, what's been keeping you occupied besides the school stuff?"

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