Open Leaving Your Mark

Marnie Frogg

Scrivenshaft's Asst 🐸 Craft Coordinator 🐸 6th Yr
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Interested in Somebody
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8/2045 (16)
Open after Marijke posts with Senna

Marnie stared pensively at the cobble stone in front of her, tilting her head this way and that at the mark on it. "Hmm, not not quite right," she decided with a nod, readjusting her grip before trying the marking charm again on the next stone over. After about 20 attempts to perfect her 'signature' that the charm produced to mark the stone, Marnie liked to think she was getting pretty good at the spell by now, but she was quickly running out of room and it was so tricky to get her mark just right. She knew she wanted a rainbow and maybe some flowers, but did she want a pastel rainbow or a super bright rainbow? And what if she messed up the colours? And then she couldn't decide if she should add a cloud or maybe a little sun too? And how fluffy should the clouds be? It was a lot to decide on and Marnie had been running through the designs for most of the afternoon. "Excuse me, move your feet please, I need canvas space," she announced, shooing some gathered students away from where they'd been standing to chat so she had more stones to work with, pointing her wand at the next cobblestone to try a new combination with the charm.
Even after being at the school for a little while Senna couldn't help but wonder what else there was for her to see and discover. Surely, a school this size had more secrets than she could ever imagine. Today was a sunny day though and she had decided to head out rather than wander around the hallways all day. There had been rumours about something living in the lake which would definitely be worth checking out. When she set foot into the courtyard Senna felt like something was different. Like it looked more colourful. And it did. Glancing down, she followed the trail of marked stones which led her right to another girl. She didn't recognize her from just looking at the back of her head and yet couldn't help but to grin when she shooed away some other students that were in her way. "Hi," She spoke as she tapped the girl on her shoulder, waiting for her to look around so she could let her curiousity speak. "Whaaat are you doing?"
Marnie was deep in thought as she stared at the most recent design she'd created with the charm, barely registering the tap on her shoulder until the person spoke after it, her brain belatedly playing catch up when she realized it was a question. "What? Oh! Hi! Sorry, am I in your way? I found out about this marking charm and I wanted to test it out but then I had to decide on what mark I actually wanna leave with it you know there's so many possibilities and obviously I wanted to start with a rainbow because who wouldn't want to magically put rainbows on literally everything but then I couldn't decide which colours I wanted or if I should do more than a rainbow like should I sign my name too or maybe my initials like how many other people do you think use this charm just for rainbows I like to think it's just me but also again, who wouldn't want to do that and I guess I got a little carried away." Marnie trailed off, looking at the trail of marked stones she'd left across the courtyard before looking back at the girl who'd tapped her shoulder, grinning sheepishly.

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