NaNoWriMo 2023 is here!

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
So, it is the first, maybe the second, of November depending on where you are at. It is National Novel Writing Month!

Who is doing it? Are you writing a book, short stories, or like me - using my own posts? I would have wrote on my series, but I haven't been able to break my block since 2021, so I might have to start over on the second book. So, if I can write 50K words in a month for RPing, in general, I will feel accomplished.

Who else is doing it? Any tips for those that might struggle?

No one saw that I put in the wrong year right...
I kind of decided to try again on a whim a few days ago. I won NaNoWriMo three times but only once just writing a full story. The other two times I switched to a fanfiction or to counting HNZ replies. That also counts, but I really want to try writing a story again this time so I'm going for it 💪 but it is a lot harder than I remember it being.
I wasn't gonna do it this year - I used to be an ML and it burned me out pretty badly - but three people asked completely separately if I was doing it, so I've relented :p I've got a novel idea I'm percolating, but it's gonna need much more planning than I could have done in time, so I'm just counting up word count of everything I do this month. Hopefully will encourage me to plug away at my WIPs a bit, and be more active on HNZ :r Lesson sprint yesterday got me ahead of the game so it's already working...
I won't be participating this year, and I haven't participated in the past because I find the idea of nanowrimo overwhelming, and I worry it would burn me out and stuff x_x

But in saying this, I have mad respect for those who do participate and I am here to send a message of support! You can do it!! I hope you have lots of fun :hug:

and if anyone wants to share what they are writing with me I am happy to read because I'm curious and a little nosy :trolol:
I'll probably be doing what I do every year and keep track of my HNZ word count, which is something I do every month anyways because I'm a dork and I think it's interesting to see the numbers haha.

Last month I got to 23k which is above average for me. But I do have a vague idea that I've been rolling around for a bit so I might try and get some words in that way too. At the same time work is crazy busy so I'm not that optimistic haha.
I'll probably be doing what I do every year and keep track of my HNZ word count, which is something I do every month anyways because I'm a dork and I think it's interesting to see the numbers haha.
Could make a pivot table to figure out which month and such have the most productivity and the average.

Why is this such a good idea?
I keep thinking of ideas but not having the energy to have them in enough clarity to commit to writing. One day maybe.

In saying that, I did end up writing a fair bit to procrastinate yesterday (as it is now the 2nd here) on some fanfic stuff but I don't think I'm in the right headspace for writing at all as I think I'm just going to scrap most of it.
Why is this such a good idea?
Yeah I think it's pretty fun to look back on too. I have a few months with WAY above average word counts and I know exactly what was going on haha.

My highest word count that I've tracked for a month was 40k around the time I sorted Leah because work was slow and I was feeling anxious which is a great combination to get me to hyper focus on HNZ and write a lot x_x
How is NaNoWriMo going for those of you participating?

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