When Alone

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Misha had finished up for the semester, and he was tidying things away for another semester, pretty glad with what he'd managed during that semester and he was using the radio from his office to be able to clean his adjoining classroom, he thought this term had gone well, even Professor Styx's 20 year celebration even if Styx himself probably didn't think so, he took it to be a huge success and would treat it as such. The man still had to patrol with him but this was not something he really enjoyed, but he was dealing by continuously trying to annoy the man. As he cleaned up his classroom, the charms professor was singing loudly, he wasn't a good singer and he was dancing about the room, tidying this up, shamelessly belting out Cher's now ancient song, Believe. Most of the students had left now, and he was perfectly comfortable believing that he was alone and that no one would disturb him or just see him, or really in this case, hear him.
Rudolf had finished packing his belongings almost three hours ago, but since Reuben had not, the Gryffindor had some time to kill. The castle was a lot of fun when it was nearly empty - he almost felt as if it were his home. He wandered up and down the stretching corridors, pretending to order invisible servants around and occasionally stopping to look out of the window at the grounds below. Half way down the third floor corridor, a very peculiar noise stopped the boy in his tracks. He approached the charms classroom, slamming his hands over his ears and kicking the door open with his foot. "PROFESSOR!" he yelled, a little louder than he needed to on account of the fact he couldn't hear very well any more. At the sight of his charms Professor dancing around the classroom, Rudolf pulled a horrified face. "Oh, Merlin, it's worse than I thought!"
Misha had no shame in what he was doing, he was absolutely loving the belter of a tune he was playing through the magical music device, and loving his own singing with it. The charms professor was no singer, he was no dancer, but he was happily doing both, with a stupidly happy expression sitting on his face, which was the one he usually adopted when it came to the end of any term. He loved teaching a lot, but it was always nice when he didn't have to be worried about being on time for classes. The man was shamelessly having a little personal party in his classroom, and this was interrupted when the door was slammed open and someone yelled professor and Misha turned to see a young student of his well, it was one or the other, he had never been able to till him from the other. The man just smiled at him, visibly making eye contact with him, and just continuing to sing, dancing in a more ridiculous manner, hoping to embarrass the young student further.
It wasn't stopping! Rudolf's face grew to the picture of disgust. "Aaaargh you're worse than my Dad!" he yelled, dropping his hands from his ears to grab a nearby cushion that hadn't yet been cleared away from Professor Haden's exams and to and whip out his wand. "Depulso!" he said, firing the cushion straight at Misha's head and then ducking behind a desk.
It was unfortunately almost over, that being the song, but Misha was unrelenting in his singing of it, he just smiled at the boy, one of the Lagowski's in front of him who yelled something about his dad before getting a pillow and Misha took this moment to ensure the device would play the song again once it had finished, he turned back only to receive a face full of pillow and the man was a little startled and then found himself oddly smiling, he levitated the pillow easily with his wand and then grinned slightly, "Mister Lagowski, that is unacceptable behaviour, stand up this instant," the moment the boy would stand he'd send the pillow right back into the younger boys face with the same depulso spell he was responsible for teaching to the young boy

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