A Broken Nose Needing Fixed

Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (15)
Gregory had calmed down quite a bit, his eyes were red and tear-stained and blood stained his upper lip, chin, and his shirt. He'd binned the jumper he'd been wearing, since it was pretty soaked in blood. He was no longer crying, at least, but the pain was pretty intense. Gregory had made his way slowly to the hospital wing, with his glasses still smashed to pieces he couldn't exactly wear them. Gregory reached the hospital and made his way to the nurse's office. He knocked on the door and waited. He didn't want to disturb anyone, but he was pretty sure a broken nose would draw more attention to him than he really wanted to draw.
Isabella Romanes was not expecting someone to come in all beaten up today. She was finishing up with a few potions for the injured when she heard a knock on her door. She opened it to see a sight she didn’t expect to see so soon in the school year. Her magenta eyes widened as she saw the shape he was in. Had to have been crying, and there was blood all over his face. She didn’t think any house was playing Quidditch or even practicing today. "Oh, hang on a second." Isabella had her wand out and ready. "Your nose is broken. I know a spell to fix it and we will get you cleaned up. It might hurt." Isabella non-verbally casted Episkey to fix the broken nose. As soon as she would see if that was fixed, she would help get him cleaned up.
Gregory glanced at the woman and nodded a little. He held his breath as she cast the spell to make his nose be unbroken. It hurt, immediately hurt. Though it did once that initial pain went away feel a lot easier. His nose was still sore, but it felt like throbbing and more just stiff. He glanced at her and gave a weak, watery smile. ”Thank you,” he said, speaking quietly, with a low tone. His hand reached up and felt at the nose, and winced at the still present pain when he touched it. ”I can clean myself up,” the boy said with a dejected and downcast tone. He didn't want to bother this woman any more than he had to.
Isabella looked him over and noticed that the pain might have been a bit much, but now it should wear off. And, if anything, heal up. The boy said that he could clean himself up, but Isabella was having none of that. "No, this is what I do. Have a seat on the bed and I’ll get your face clean. I’m not obligated, so don’t even think that. I’m a mom, and I wouldn’t want to see any of my kids in your condition." Isabella had no issues being stern when it needed it, nor did she have trouble acting motherly. She walked over to get a clean cloth, wetted it down and walked over to the Hufflepuff. "What’s your name, by the way?" If she could get him comfortable, then maybe he might tell her what happened. She had sons, after all. She could recognize a punch to the face.
Gregory did as he was told. He sat upon the bed that was closest to it. He was still visibly upset but now his nose wasn't broken, he wasn't in any more pain. The boy wasn't sure why she was treating him so nicely, but he just closed his eyes slightly as she got close. "Gregory," he spoke quietly, nervously. He was almost afraid that he'd do or say the wrong thing, and she'd go back on fixing his nose. He didn't want her to stop, and he didn't need her to wipe his face, but he'd accept it. At least he could get cleaned up before he went to find someone who could fix his glasses.
Isabella saw that his eyes were closed, so she bent over to start cleaning the blood off of his skin. She was very gentle since a broken nose, even after healing, would be sore. She didn't want to cause him any more pain. He seemed so nervous too. "That is a nice name, Gregory. I'm Isabella Romanes. You can just call me Isabella." Isabella knew that some of the nurses would have different ways to address themselves, but she was a bit more laid back. Once the cloth did its job, she removed it and saw that he was all cleaned up. She smiled, "Good as new. You might be sore for a little while, but other than that, you are free to stay here for a while, or leave. Whatever you are comfortable with."
Gregory did his best to hold still as she wiped his face. It was a gentle touch, one that he welcomed after so much violence. He nodded lightly as she introduced herself. Isabella. He liked her immediately, she felt safe, this place felt safe. Much like the arts room did too. When he was all cleaned up, he gave a little nod at her instructions before feeling into his pocket. The smashed up pieces of his glasses within it. "Do you know the fixing spell to fix stuff, not bones?" he asked her tentatively. If she didn't, he would just have to move on, but perhaps she might.
Isabella noticed that he had felt his side, where his pocket was. Was he bruised there too? Then he asked if she knew how to fix things besides bones. Isabella nodded, "Of course. My kids can break a lot of things, so it comes in handy. Do you have anything that needs to be repaired?" Isabella was glad that charms was not her weakest subject. She was not sure if she had one, but then again, she was academically well off. Unless it was Astronomy or Care of Magical Creatures. She would not know a thing about either of those subjects. She sat down on the bed next to him, that way she wasn’t looming over him like a scary teacher.
Gregory nodded, ”Next semester I'll be able to do the spell myself, hopefully,” he assured her, as if this would be some big bother for her to do for him. But he pulled out his broken glasses, all the little pieces of them that he had, knowing he was likely missing some. ”Can you fix these?” he asked her, holding the glasses out to her with a hopeful expression. ”When I fell, they fell off my face and broke,” he lied. His hands were shaking slightly, worried that she might ask more, might make fun of him or some other secret third thing that would just make her someone else he shouldn't bother with.
Isabella nodded, but she was not entirely sure what year or semester certain students learn spells. It had been too long for her, but she did remember learning it. Just not how old she was. When he held out his glasses - or what was left of them, she used her wand and verbally cast the spell to have them all in one piece and fixed. Her magenta eyes noticed that his hands were shaking, so she reached out to touch his hands in an effort to calm him down. "I'm sure that is not what happened, but if you are being bullied, you need to go to your head of house or someone you trust. Hogwarts is meant to prepare you and teach you magic, not a place of torment."
Gregory felt relief as the nurse mended the glasses. He knew that this was a stop gap method, that his glasses were fixed for now, but bound to be broken a few more times before the end of the year. He'd just need to learn the spell as soon as he needed to. The boy looked up at the woman as she touched his hand and nodded. ”I'm not being bullied,” Gregory replied, lying. He knew that he should take it to a professor, but he couldn't see them taking his side when Cassius always had a reason, even if most of it wasn't really his fault. ”Just clumsy,” which wasn't entirely a lie, he was, just it would take a very specific level of clumsy to have broken his glasses how they had been broken.
Isabella hid her suspicions very well, namely because she was excellent at hiding her thoughts. She remained as warm as possible. She smiled softly, "Well, if you ever are, or need help, you know who to go to. Any adult you trust, and that includes anyone here in the hospital wing. We are here to help. Don't ever forget that." Isabella assumed that this would help much, much more than just being abrasive and demanding Gregory for answers. That would drive someone away. She would know - as she was a mother to many, many kids. "If you ever fall and break your glasses again, you can come back to me and I'll fix them. Or, the Charms professor, Misha Haden, is a very nice man and I'm sure he'd be delighted to help. Just don't let him hold anything hot. He's clumsy too."
Gregory was steadfastly opting to not hold the nurse's gaze after his lie. He just didn't want to push his luck or have her just haul him up in front of his head of house to talk about it. There was a chance the man wouldn't believe him anyway. That was how his luck always played out. He just listened as she spoke, holding himself tensely and trying to figure out if it would be rude to run away from a woman who had just helped him. ”Okay,” he said, giving a soft smile as she called the charms professor that he'd get from fifth year – provided he had to stay at the school till fifth year – was clumsy too. ”Yeah?” he asked, because though Gregory was bullied, he was also clumsy, and that tended to land him in problems too.
Isabella hoped that Misha would not mind if she shared their first encounter. "I'll tell you a little something. Misha and I are involved. This might seem gross to you right now, but you might change when you are older. Anyway, I was getting settled because I just started and he came in with a burn. He spilled his own coffee on his hand and required healing. So, being clumsy can lead to good consequences." Isabella obviously liked telling that story because it showed a more human side to the staff members. "Does that help you feel better?"
Gregory nodded lightly at what she said, it was interesting to learn this about a teacher he hadn't yet had. The Hufflepuff nodded lightly. Feeling a little better and just more distracted from all the terrible things which had just happened to him. "Yeah," he said quietly. He wanted suddenly to tell her, to tell her everything, about Cassius, about halloween, about Dahlia. Just all of it. But he didn't, instead getting off the bed and smiling. "Thank you," he said, deciding that now was the time to leave.
Isabella wondered if this was helping him, at all, and hoped that it would. If he needed anything, she wanted him to be comfortable to go to any adult, not just her. She could that he was wanting to leave with him standing up and seeing a smile. She just did not know if it was genuine or not. Isabella made sure that she still had her warm expression, "Anytime. Feel free to stop by if you need anything. Even just a chat. Doors are always open." Isabella wanted to stress that he was free to come by anytime he wanted, so there was that option for him. She just hoped that whatever was bothering him would be straightened out eventually.

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