Open Yuletide Dreaming

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Elise Ito

creative 💀 flighty 💀 a little odd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (12)
Elise had opted for a less formal outfit this year and enjoyed not being weighted down by a long skirt. She enjoyed school dances especially the dancing, and she wasted no time heading to the dance floor when the night began. Even when it was mostly empty she swayed to the music anyways. She knew it would fill up eventually. The semester has felt long and while she was glad for lessons and exams to be over, she would miss being in the castle with her friends. But she shoved the unpleasant feelings away and focused on enjoying herself. The winter decorations contrasted with the warm night outside and made it feel even more dream like as she spun around, letting herself believe she was some where else much more fantastical.
Hazel was wearing a dress she had tie-dyed herself. Well, a shirt and matching skirt, but surely it looked like a dress? Both pieces matched pretty well, if she said so herself. Hazel was anticipating a lot of compliments today. She looked around and smiled as she saw Elise spinning around by herself. She headed over and started joining her. "Hi, this is fun!" She said as she twirled around, her skirt fanning out around her legs.
Briony wished she'd asked Vanity to help her get ready tonight. She'd had the bright idea to braid a sprig of holly she'd found growing rather festively in one of the hallways up in the tower into her hair but now it was poke-y and itching and she'd already half tugged the braid loose before she'd even gotten down to the hall.

At least the hall itself was a good distraction, the snow, ice, and giant tree filling up her vision as she circled the hall before spotting Hazel and Elise out on the dance floor. "I don't get why so many people aren't dancing," she said as she tromped her way over to them, doing her best to step into the deeper piles of fake snow that had been pushed up by other students walking or dancing through it, wiggling her toes in her open-toed shoes happily. "It's a Ball, isn't that the whole point, I wanted to see everyone dancing," she said with a sigh, glad to see her friends at least got the memo and were out on the floor already moving.
Elise was content to continue her festivities on her own but she was more than thrilled when Hazel joined her. She reached out to take the other girl's hands so they could spin together for a moment. "It's more fun the dizzier you get. If we keep going I think the pattern on your dress will start to move on it's own." she said with a laugh. But before they could get too cared away Briony arrived. Elise paused for a moment to catch her breath and her balance as she wobbled a bit. "Maybe we just need to set a good example." she suggested. She also thought more people should be dancing but she also knew some people thought they were above it. They were wrong, obviously, and would have a less fun night because of it.
Hazel smiled as she twirled around and saw Briony join them. She knew why many people weren't dancing, they were too afraid or shy. Or they didn't dare to dance alone. She grabbed Briony's hand and moved with her. "Most people only wanna dance if they have a date." She said with a shrug. "And they're boring, we're definitely cooler and more unique than all of them." She added with a grin, she reached over with her other hand for Elise. "Let's all dance together." She said brightly.
Briony smiled gratefully when Hazel and Elise slowed down enough to let her join in, narrowly avoiding her feet sliding on the pile of snow she'd kicked up as Hazel grabbed her hand to pull her into their circle. "Just standing around the whole time seems like a waste, date or no date," Briony said, losing her train of thought some as she helped pull the other two around in a circle, letting out a giddy giggle.

She'd originally hoped the school balls would look like something out of the novels she'd read, with lines of dancers and masks and political intrigue, but this was fun too she thought, watching as Elise and Hazel's faces blurred with the enchanted falling snow and lights strung around the hall. "I'm so dizzy, I'm going to trip!" She called delightedly as they kept spinning, unable to catch her breath for the giggling.
Elise's grin widened as Briony joined them and they started to spin again. "What is a date? Just someone you go to a dance with. Technically we're all dates." she pointed out before laughing as they picked up their speed. There had been a part of her she hadn't wanted to acknowledge that had feared she wouldn't find anyone who understood her at school, and everyday she was grateful that wasn't the case. She didn't want to be the first to ask to stop but she was relieved when Briony spoke up. "Alright, alright." she said slowing down, breathless and still laughing. "The last thing we need is to see our dinner again." she laughed.
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